Celebrating the HERO in all of us (Pandemic Ponderings Part II)

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It’s one day before Memorial Day 2020, which feels like perfect timing for a post about recognition, gratefulness, and pride. As we think about fallen heroes and honor their sacrifices, there are so many new heroes amongst us today in the war we find ourselves fighting.

In early March, our daily lives became unrecognizable. My flippant attitude towards this virus began to change. A walk around my neighborhood prompted me to write a post called Pandemic Ponderings and if you read it, you doubtless shared some of the same thoughts and fears.  https://curlsgoroundtheworld.com/pandemic-ponderings-lessons-to-be-learned/

We were all in the same boat I thought, all in this together as the current phrase goes.  And then, it became very obvious we were not.  Someone wrote that our boats are not the same, they are all very different.  This was insightful and very true.  I don’t need to tell you that many boats have sunk and are gone forever, some have been nailed shut and interred into the ground, while others have managed to sail on with minimal damage.

Today, two and a half months after the lockdown was imposed, many of us are being allowed to gradually reemerge into the world.  I have read in various sources that some people consider themselves “growing” during this time. This makes me cringe.  It feels disrespectful and very exaggerated. But I get the sentiment; much has been accomplished as we have been forced to adapt. Today, as we slowly emerge from shelter and back into a new way of living, pause with me for a moment to recognize our successes and accomplishments. Please allow me to celebrate You!

School taught us many things, but no one taught us how to survive a pandemic.  We were plunged into this unthinkable, numbing chaos without warning. So, as you managed to climb out of bed this morning, poured some coffee, and somehow summoned up the courage to watch the morning news, be proud of yourself. You are a functioning survivor of a pandemic. If you are still reeling from the status of non-essential and now work alone, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. You have figured out how to keep going, to put one foot in front of the other, even if your steps are tiny. If you have lost your job, your business, a loved one, your hope, and you are still pulling back the curtains to face whatever the day brings, you are a true warrior. Be very proud and know that you have done everything you are supposed to do and can do.  Know that your loss was not your fault. You have come this far, you can make it now.  You will figure out a way, and you will be alright.  

Parenting books tell us how to get it right, but not one line has been written about homeschooling while keeping your job and sanity during a world-wide crisis.  You are doing the impossible out of love and respect for your children.  You slave over your keyboard while supervising lessons and controlling chaos. More days than not you’ve wanted to throw away the school books and tell them to play and leave you alone. You have found a way not to. You tuck them into bed at night and tell them not to worry, that everything will be alright, even though you don’t always believe it.  You tell your teenager that he can’t drive his car to the park, he needs to stay at home. He is mad and there is nothing you can say to make it better. They miss their friends and their lives and it hurts you way more than it hurts them.  Through all this, you have remained a rock.  Good job Mom!  Great work Dad!  You are an incredible parent, the best of the best.  One day they will know that, and love you even more.  You are pulling your family through one of the toughest times imaginable.

You have found yourself alone, cut off from loved ones, with just the cat for company.  You have been alone now for weeks, your phone and laptop are your best friend.  The occasional visit to the supermarket keeps you sane.  And you are still keeping it together because you are a lot stronger than you ever thought.  It’s bleak and miserable, but you are making it.  You have discovered a new hobby, and a way to stay busy!  You keep the house going and the grass cut.  You carry on pushing through which makes you incredible!  You know it won’t be long before the loneliness ends, and although it won’t be the same, you can handle it now. You are a survivor!

You survived the ultimate:  The COVID 19 virus.  For that, you have my respect.  Especially if you were alone, or with strangers in a hospital.  I cannot imagine what the fear and panic must be like. You are amazing.  I hope you go forward now and live an even better life than before.

You go to work every day for the rest of us.  You put on a uniform, throw a stethoscope around your neck, and put yourself at risk to care for us.  You drive long distances to get food to us, you put it on the shelves, you pack up our online orders, deliver our mail, our pizza, our daily dose of sanity. You do this day in, day out.  You are tired, but you carry on.  Thank you with all my heart for your sacrifices to save us in every way. Be incredibly proud of what you have done, and who you are.

We have so much to thank our veterans for. They paid a huge price for us. While the new war is a long way from over, I hope we continue to celebrate the everyday hero in ourselves and each other, and be grateful for what remains. As you do what you need to do every day, I wish you all the luck in the world. Stay safe, stay strong.