Traveling Safely Post-Corona

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One day soon the restrictions will be lifted. We will go back to work, have dinner with friends, visit the Mall and life will feel normal, but normal will have changed. This will be an altered world where we will function by different standards because we have learned we need to. Priorities will be different. Nowhere will this be more important than when leaving the safety of our homes to launch out on vacation, a weekend away or days out to museums, zoos, and theme parks. Staying healthy while being around others will be a priority for all of us. Here are a few things to consider when making travel plans.

Frequent hand washing and sanitizing should be the new normal.

Witnessing how quickly a pandemic can arise, safeguarding against germs and viruses should be priority Number One. I was never afraid of viruses until Corona. I let my immunity worry about that. Now, I’m not taking the same chances! Take a look at the following suggestions.

Day trips

Day trips are a quick and inexpensive way to boost our spirits, a brief respite from the daily grind. Before venturing out, take a few precautions to keep everyone safe and happy. Make sure to pack portable bottles of hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes for everyone on your trip and don’t be afraid to over-use them. (Imagine how many hands touch objects in theme parks and museums!) Try to minimize exposure to crowds and long lines and plan trips on days where crowds will be smaller ( avoid weekends). Take a packed lunch so that you are not resorting to bacteria-ridden food stands. Who wants to use napkins and ketchup that have been touched and coughed on? Better yet, explore a nature trail and enjoy fresh air crowd-free!


When traveling longer distances by plane or train, wipe down all areas before getting comfy. That includes your armrests, seat belt buckles, tray tables, the table in front of you on the train. Pay extra for seats with your family; it will make your trip happier and safer! Use hand sanitizer after reading the in-flight magazine and using the restroom.


This is a big one. Give this a lot of thought. For the time being, hostels and rental accommodation might not be the best choice. Hotels will be more expensive, but with the higher price comes the expectation of a higher standard of cleanliness and the ability to insist on it (it’s much easier to march down to the reception desk and insist on a cleaner room than if you are renting someone’s apartment for a week). Choose a respectable chain and research your choice. Check out Trip Advisor for reviews, you will definitely get a mix of the good and the bad. On check-in, take precautions and sanitize door handles, surfaces, and all room keys. Don’t hesitate to be a disgruntled customer if the situation is justified.


There are many loyal cruisers out there, and there are those who are skeptical. Given the horror shows we have all seen where infested ships have nowhere to dock, it will be a long time before I can be convinced to get onto one.


Vacations don’t have to include the airport. You may prefer to use your own transport and vacation somewhere more local. There are many advantages to this! You might decide to take the family camper to a state park, or visit areas off the beaten track. Whatever you decide, staying away from large crowds and busy cities makes sense for a while. While the kids may be campaigning to visit Orlando, it will still be there when we’ve got more stability in the world. If you do decide on the traditional sight-seeing program, wash and sanitize your hands as often as possible and try to keep your distance from people.


If restaurants are not adhering to stricter standards now, they don’t deserve to be in business. Research and choose your restaurants carefully. If you see something wrong, speak up. If you need fast food, there is nothing wrong with breaking out your own wipes to clean the table if necessary.

Travel Insurance

Buy it! Even if you are just taking a cheap flight to the beach, it’s worth the investment. Don’t select the “opt-in” insurance option that your booking agency or airline gives you right before you click on “payment.” This actually covers very little. Research travel insurance companies and get the “cancel for any reason” option. This is more expensive, but as we have seen, you never know when you may need that. I have found that the price of insurance goes up the closer you are to your departure date, so bite the bullet and do it! Even if you don’t use it, the peace of mind is nice. The following link should get you started.

Travel Companies

Tourism has taken a brutal beating and there will be desperate online companies offering fantastic deals just to stay in business one more day. Don’t be lured in by these. Use a travel agent, or online travel agent such as, that you have always used. When selecting airlines, pick established ones that will be there when it’s time to board. We have already seen the demise of Flybee and others fall victim to the pandemic. If the worst does happen, use that travel insurance to recoup losses.

We all have more fears now but I hope you don’t let fear keep you a prisoner. Be safe, be cautious, but once we get the all-clear, get out there again and have fun!

Safe Travels!